Turning Roll Turner
Support and turn your screw machine part simultaneously. Slater Tools' Turning Roll Turners are available for most end-slide positions. Either flat, angular or radius bases are available for Acme, New Britain, Cone, Warner & Swasey, and Wickman machines. These Turning Roll Turners use standard tool bit tooling. With this tool, you are able to support parts ahead of or behind the cut.
Call: 586-465-5000 / Email: direct@slatertools.com
Slater Tools Offers a Complete Line of Screw Machine Products for the Turning Industry:
- Acme
- New Brit
- Warner and Swasey
- Brown and Sharpe
- Davenport
- Conomatic
- Greenlee
- Wickman
- Gildemeister
When requesting a quote, please specify your machine type and spindle position.