Slater Tools, Inc. - page 41

Broach tool
chipping / poor
tool life
Form is larger
than the broach
Form not
centered /
teeth larger on
one side
1. Broach Holder is off-center
2. Broach Holder bearings failing
3. Improper workpiece
4. Speed is too high (RPM)
1. Broach Holder bearings failing
2. Too much end play in holder
1. Broach Holder is off-center
2. Workpiece deflection
1. Make sure the Adjustable Tool Holder is centered correctly
(see page 38, or view videos at
2. Check the Broach Holder bearings by turning the spindle
in your fingers. The spindle should spin freely. If you
feel hesitations, graininess, or stickiness, replace the holder
bearings. Bearing Rebuild Kits with instructions are available.
Slater Tools offers inspection and repair services.
3. Check workpiece geometry:
• Refer to the part preparation guide (page 34-35)
• For Internal Broaches, increase pre-drill depth and size
(larger I.D.)
• For External Broaches, pre-turn dia. smaller (smaller O.D.)
• Ensure there is a 45° lead-in chamfer (ideal)
• Consider broaching material in annealed state
4. Refer to speeds and feeds chart on page 37 (also available
, or contact us for recommendations).
1. Check the Broach Holder bearings by turning the spindle
in your fingers. The spindle should spin freely. If you
feel hesitations, graininess, or stickiness, replace the holder
bearings. Bearing Rebuild Kits with instructions are available.
Slater Tools offers inspection and repair services.
2. Measure holder end play. If end play is more than .005”,
replace the bearings. Bearing Rebuild Kits with instructions
are available. Slater Tools offers inspection and repair
1. Make sure the Adjustable Tool Holder is centered correctly
(see page 38, or view videos at
2. Reduce speed during initial contact (maintain feed rate).
Support the workpiece to ensure there is no deflection.
(586) 465-5000
(586) 465-3030
1...,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 42,43,44
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